Once again become

the Hero again of your Journey

Time to re-energize

Are you at a crossroads in your life? Do you need direction in a job choice? Are you a young parent caught up in the merry-go-round of life? Do you have doubts about your relationship? Do you feel misunderstood by your partner? Do you need to recharge?

Then take some time for yourself now.

I like to become an ally who asks you solution-oriented questions in a healing framework. I take you to special places that offer inspiration to imagine and experience what you need.

Evolve from 'Survival of the Fittest' to 'Living from your Core'.


I'm happy to coordinate with you in a no-obligation intake meeting (by phone or through MS Teams) before we go on the path together. As your 'guide' I like to get a first idea of the direction you want to go during the sessions and which rhythm suits you. In between sessions I provide supportive and challenging exercises for you to work with.

The path we will follow together consists of 5 steps:

Step 1: awareness & responsibility

Reflecting on where you are and how you got there is necessary before you can powerfully decide where you want to go.

Where do you get lost, get stuck and so ... where would you like to become freer, more full of life, more hopeful?

What appeals do you hear murmuring quietly or increasingly loudly? What has been "enough"? What invitation is in this?

Assignment: timeline with ups and downs, what course did you already take?

90 min

Step 3: courage & trust

Where is your courage to embark on the journey and follow your desire?

What are you leaving behind so that you can set out on your journey lighter?

What do you need to cross the threshold?

Assignment: 'landscapes of the heart'

What are areas you wish to explore or conquer?

90 min

Step 2: fear & heaviness

Facing fears and obstacles

What keeps you from saying "yes" fully to who and what you love?

What hinders you from going on an adventure?

What patterns do you repeat to stay on track?

Photo assignment

90 min

Step 4: wonder & zest for life

Time to experiment and be joined by valuable allies

In the process, you reinvent yourself.

How do you imagine your future version?

What does your heroic story sound like?

Reconciliation with your own path.

Assignment: return 'known world'

90 min

Step 5: gratitude & self-love

Tasting the elixir and thinking about how we can preserve and share this nourishing inspiration with others.

How will you enjoy and contribute in a way that suits you?

How will your regained love of life make a difference?

90 min

Practical info

For the total course you will pay €525 incl. VAT

This includes:

- An intake interview of 20 min (by phone or via MS Teams)

- 5 sessions of 90 min, according to your choice, in the woods of Meerdael Forest (around Leuven) or the dunes (around Oostduinkerke).

- Supportive and challenging exercises to feed your mind and heart also in between sessions.


Iris saw me in a way I had never seen myself before. Based on our meeting, I developed the I.R.I.S. method. She taught me how to reflect back what you value about the other person.

IRIS stands for  ‘Interest, Repeat, more Interest, Summarize’. 

Carola Baxmann, psychologist in Unna

Iris' zest for life is contagious. She inspires by being a lifelong learning, searching being herself. I learned that it's ok to "not know. I discovered that it is enough to know what next step I want to take. I became more skilled at taking positive risks, opening doors and seizing opportunities.

AK, Client

Iris has a top-notch sports mentality. She lets you play your match, live your life. She watches you from the sidelines. She uncovers opportunities and encourages you to seize them, without shouting how things should be different and better.


ASV, Client

Iris focuses on people's core qualities. I realize more quickly why I am annoyed with others, and especially how I can stay out of my own pitfalls. I have realized that it is not about "being right" but about having the courage to stand in my own truth, and to make clear requests from there.

NS, Client

Still questions?

Feel free to to reach out to us - we’d love to talk to you!
